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Declarations to Live in the Finished Work of the Cross

Before we start declaring, we need to consider the level of our faith, so we know what promises God has given us.  If we want to claim a promise that is not mentioned in our level of faith, we ask God if He will grant it at this time.  If God says "Yes," we claim it.  If He says "Wait" or "No," we then wait or surrender the promise to God, knowing He has something better for us.  If we try to claim a promise that God has not given us or try to claim a promise too early, we will receive nothing if we claimed the promise in ignorance, or we will be judged by God like Adam and Eve did when they ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden if we claimed the promise in disobedience.  If we knowingly and willingly reject God's promise, our hearts will get hardened and we will become sick.  So, it is best to trust God and only claim the promises God has for us now:  Read the following statements of truth out loud.

(a) The words we speak only affects us.  For example:  If we believe witchcraft has no power, no curses from witches can affect us.  If we pray for others, they must agree with our words in order to receive the blessings we are speaking over them.  There are 2 exceptions to this rule:  (1) Children under 12 - Godly authority figures can plant God's words directly into their hearts, which cannot be pulled up until they turn 12.  (2) Captives - Godly authority figures can plant God's words directly into their hearts, and no one can pull them up unless they speak knowingly and willingly. 

(b) The lost (those who unknowingly sin against God) can only claim the 9 fruits of agape love:  We are loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled.  The lost can also claim certain promises of the cross that God grants like healing from sicknesses (Jesus healed many lost people while He was on Earth).  

(c) Those who truly repent and receive Jesus as their only Risen Lord and Savior can claim certain promises of the cross that God grants in His perfect timing.  For example:  God will give an adult the spouse of his/her dreams, but not to a child. 

(d) Those who have graduated from being a baby Christian to a mature (adult) Christian by producing the fruit of righteousness and being born again can claim the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit:  (1) word of wisdom, (2) word of understanding, (3) faith, (4) prophecy, (5) healing, (6) miracles, (7) discerning spirits, (8) speaking in tongues, and (9) interpreting tongues.  They also have the power to bind and loose things in heaven and Earth (Mt. 16:13-20) and cast demons into the Abyss (Lk. 8:26-39).  Jesus alone has the keys to the Underworld, which includes Sheol (Death), Paradise, Hades, and Hell, and He alone can send and take out spirits from the Underworld.  Jesus can also send and take out demons from the Abyss.  Paradise and Hades are waiting places where God sends souls temporarily when they have died and God wants to speak to them before sending them back to Earth.  Abyss is the place where God sends demons that still have a purpose on Earth, like Satan who will be sent into the Abyss when Jesus establishes His millennial reign on Earth and will be let out after 1000 years to test God's people.     


(e) Those who are born again and have received all 7 Spirits of Christ have the authority to co-reign with Christ in heaven and Earth as kings and queens.  To learn more about the 7 Spirits of Christ, click on the button:    



(f) When the rebellious (non-believers and believers who knowingly AND willingly disobey God) reject God's promise, their hearts get hardened and become sick.  If they claim a promise without repentance or out of His timing, God will judge them as He did Adam and Eve.  The rebellious also include the anti-christ members.  Anti-christ members are the rebellious who have borne the fruit of unrighteousness and have been baptized with the fiery anointing of Satan (James 3:6).  If believers rebel against God long enough and produce the fruit of unrighteousness, they can lose their salvation and become anti-christ members. 

God allows the rebellious to suffer the consequences of their sins, so their pain and suffering will cause them to be more willing to repent.  As C.S. Lewis once said, and I am paraphrasing, "Pain and suffering are the megaphone to rouse a deaf world."  Allowing the rebellious to suffer the consequences of their sins will also teach them to take responsibility for their actions, which will help them to grow spiritually.   

(g) Before we are born again, we can only declare God's words according to God's will in order to make our declarations effective because our words in themselves have no power to create if we don't possess the Spirit of Christ and the gift of faith.  However, after we are born again, because we do have the Spirit of Christ and we can claim the gift of faith, we have the authority to make our own declarations of truth that have the power to come to pass.  These declarations are still subject to Christ's authority since Jesus is the Alpha and Omega and has the first and last say in all things.  Since all declarations must have Christ's "Yes" to come to pass, we will never empower lies, which means lies will never come to pass and evil in the form of curses, weeds, and evil spirits will never be created in our hearts again.  Hosea 2 says that if we declare only God's words and completely remove the words of Baal from our lips, or lies, we will be able to destroy all the weapons of the enemy and live safely in the finished work of the cross.  

Now that we have discerned our level of faith, we need to count the cost--how many people we are going to pray for.  If you are a novice in prayer, start by praying for yourself.  Once you feel comfortable praying for yourself, increase your prayer life little by little:  Include your family, then your friends, your church, your city, your state, your nation, and lastly the world.  If you are a leader in a church and want to know how to pray wisely, read the following blog:         

DECLARATION 1:  Jesus is the Lord of lords and King of kings.  Jesus is the Lord of heaven and Earth.  He has all the power and authority in heaven and on Earth.  Jesus is God.  He is sovereign.  He is faithful, and He will not let us be tempted more than we can handle but will provide a way of escape.  When we are weak, God is strong. 

DECLARATION 2:  Jesus is our Alpha and Omega.  He has the first and last say in all things.  Only prayers and declarations that Jesus says "Yes" to or agrees with will come to pass. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so we will be fully equipped to do every good work (2 Tim. 3:16-17).  God's words are indestructible, incorruptible, unchanging, and endure forever.  God's words are alive, active, and powerful, and they are always working for us.  God's words never fail--they always come to pass.  Lies are not real and have no power.  (Col. 2:13-15 says that Jesus stripped away all power and authority from Satan and his army of evil spirits at the cross.  He did this by disempowering lies, which is why declaring lies are not real and have no power is so powerful).  We repent of all the lies we have spoken and all the sins we have committed.  Curses, weeds, and evil spirits, which are made of lies, are not real and have no power.  Satan has no power and authority.  Witchcraft is not real and has no power.  (This declaration will help those who are captives of Jenn Johnson's witchcraft.                             )                                   


(a) John 1:1-5:  "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.  Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.  In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (NIV)

(b) For those who are captives of Jenn Johnson:  Jenn Johnson has no power or authority.  We bind and silence all the evil spirits of Jenn Johnson in the name of Jesus.  Jesus has complete power and authority over us.


DECLARATION 3:   (The following are spiritual laws God set up since the foundation of the world that are working in heaven and Earth at all times.  They are like physical laws, such as gravity.)  God is not mocked; He is not deceived.  We will fully reap what we sow.  For the believers who are descendants of Abraham, God blesses those who bless us and curses those who curse us (Gen. 12:1-3).  For all the people in the world, God treats and judges us the way we treat and judge others (Mt. 7:1-2).  For church leaders, whether they are true or false, they will be judged twice as harshly as the laypeople.  

DECLARATION 4:  For the righteous and innocent, God and His army of angels are surrounding us like a shield of favor and watching over us, guiding us, providing for us, protecting us, fighting for us, and paralyzing or destroying anyone who tries to destroy us.  We have the highest favor with God and with people, and God has given us all the grace to be protected, healed, restored, and fully equipped to carry out our calling in God's Kingdom.  No weapon formed against us will ever prevail, but every voice raised up against us will be shown to be in the wrong.  Jesus is our Lawyer who always vindicates us.  Everything stolen from us will be restored to us seven-fold.  The riches of the rebellious will be transferred into the hands of the righteous.  The rebellious have no favor with God and people to deceive, steal, and harm God's people.  God exposes the wickedness of those who are knowingly and willingly trying to harm His people, and He and His army of angels thwart and put a stop to all their wicked schemes.  Weapons used for harm will malfunction or backfire.  

DECLARATION 5:  God does not hear any prayers by the rebellious, which includes the anti-christ members, unless they repent.   For the anti-christ members, God always reveals the 666 on their forehead in order to protect His people.  

(a) Intercession does not do away with God's judgment in the life of the rebellious.  Intercession only gives the rebellious more mercy, which is more time to repent, and grace to repent.  If the rebellious do not repent by the time their wickedness reaches to the full, God will no longer hear any more prayers for them and they will fully reap what they have sown (Ez. 14 esp. v. 14).  Please count the cost when praying for the rebellious and anti-christ members as Galatians 6:1 says, so you won't get hurt or even die.  Some people have died when they prayed for anti-christ members (read 1 Jn. 5:16-21).  Remember that God ordered Joshua and his army to be fully circumcised of all lies in their hearts before they fought the anti-christ members in the Battle of Jericho.  During this season, more than interceding for the rebellious, I believe God wants us to strengthen the faith of the believers in the Upper Room by circumcising the lies in our hearts.  He wants to raise the 144,000 in the Upper Room just as He raised the 120 in the Upper Room.

(b) JUDGMENT IS NEAR FOR THE REBELLIOUS & ANTI-CHRIST MEMBERS:  God called me to be a watchman for America in 2011--that's when I started interceding for our nation.  In 2014, God called me to public ministry and told me to share the revelations that I had received from Him during my 7-year-wilderness (2007-2014) with His people through the 3 children's stories I wrote and illustrated and online ministry (first the wixsite and then facebook), so they would have more grace to repent.  I shared my children's stories with the Osteens to help me publish the stories, so the people of America would easily receive God's new revelations of grace.  This is when Jenn Johnson first became acquainted with me since the Osteens showed her my stories.  Ever since Jenn Johnson discovered that God had given me new revelations during my 7-year-wilderness, she has been attacking me and my family with witchcraft in order to steal the revelations from me and pass them off as her own.  My father died of a heart attack because Jenn Johnson cursed him so much with witchcraft.  I didn't know that Jenn Johnson was attacking me and my family with witchcraft to steal the revelations God gave me during my 7-year-wilderness until I went to Redding, CA, in 2015.  When I arrived in Bethel Church, Jenn Johnson again attacked me with witchcraft, so I would be one of the captives of Bethel cult and use all my spiritual gifts (receiving new revelations from Scriptures, writing anointed Christian songs, coming up with ideas for a Christian Disneyland, etc.) in order to increase her fame and fortune even more.  It was during these attacks that Jenn Johnson revealed to me that she was the one who murdered my father.  While fighting against Jenn Johnson, God also revealed to me that I needed to intercede for the residents of Redding, especially the members of Bethel Church because Jenn Johnson and her witch followers had built a throne for Satan in Bethel Church and Redding was in danger of being destroyed (read Rev. 2:12-17).  Since my public ministry in June of 2014, God has given His people in Redding and America 3 1/2 extra years to repent for their sins.  Jenn Johnson has also been fighting against me for 3 1/2 years, hindering me from interceding for Redding and America.  Now, God is getting ready to judge the rebellious because the 3 1/2 years of extension is almost up.  Since the wickedness of the anti-christ members, such as that of Jenn Johnson and her witch followers, have almost reached to the full (read Gen. 15), it is imperative that we pray for the people in America, especially our loved ones, before Judgment Day comes.  On Judgment Day, God will judge America with massive earthquakes that will sweep our nation (Mk. 13), the largest one occuring in Redding, CA (Ez. 33-34), and the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse (Zec. 6) will come to Earth to judge the rebellious and destroy the anti-christ members:


DECLARATION 6:  Only love, mercy, and grace are following us all the days of our lives.  Where sin abounds, grace abounds even more.  God is meeting all our needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19).  God is working all things for the good of those who love Him (Rom. 8:28).  God is closing all the doors that need to be closed and opening all the doors that need to be open.  God is weeding out all the people who shouldn't be in our lives and bringing all those who should be in our lives.  God is turning everything the enemy meant for evil for good. 

DECLARATION 7:  We are who God says we are, we can do what God says we can do, we have what God says we have.  We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.  As Jesus is, so are we in this world.  We see, hear, feel, think, believe, speak, and do what God wants us to see, hear, feel, think, believe, speak, and do.  We've been crucified with Christ, and we no longer live, but Christ lives in us.  The life we live in the body, we live by the faith of the Son of God who loved us and gave Himself for us (Gal. 2:20).  We are pure, and all things are pure to us.  We are pure, peaceable, gentle, and willing to yield.  We are pure, holy, and blameless.  We have the imagination of Christ.  We have a pure imagination, and we imagine and dream what God wants us to imagine and dream.  We have the pure mind of Christ, and God's thoughts are our thoughts.  We have the pure heart of Christ, and God's desires and will are our desires and will.  We love what God loves and hate what God hates--we love what is good and hate what is evil.  We have no desire to sin.  Sin has no power over us.  We feel what God feels--we always feel the love of God.  We have the passion of Christ, and we are always motivated and determined to do God's will.  We believe what God believes--we always believe in the finished work of the cross.  We never believe lies.  We never doubt God.  We have the memory of Christ.  We remember what God remembers and forget what God forgets--we remember the truth and forget the lies. 

DECLARATION 8:  All our sins--past, present, and future--have been forgiven and destroyed at the cross.  We are white as snow.  Sin, sickness, and death are not real and have no power.  By Jesus's one sacrifice, God has forever perfected us who are being sanctified.  We are not guilty.  We are justified, sanctified, and glorified.  We feel no false guilt for not carrying out the responsibilities of others.

DECLARATION 9:  God loves us with an everlasting love, and with unfailing love, God draws us to Himself.  God will never leave us nor forsake us.  Nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  We are the beloved children of the Almighty God whom God is well pleased with.  We agape God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and we agape ourselves and others. 

DECLARATION 10:  We hate idolatry.  We only worship God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  Jesus is our only Risen Lord and Savior.  Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  We seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto us.  We love God more than anything or anyone in this world.  We love God with all our hearts, all our minds, and all our strength, and we love others as God has loved us.  We reverence God.  The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.  We fear God and not people.  We don't care what other people think of us--we only care what God thinks of us.  We live to please God and not to please people.  We value and treasure life.  We honor and respect others and their free will.  

DECLARATION 11:  We hate sexual immorality.  We are sexually pure.  We have no desire to have sex until God's perfect timing.  All our sexual desires are dormant until God's perfect timing.  The singles are virgins.

DECLARATION 12:  We are patient and kind.  We are not proud, arrogant, rude, or boastful.  If we boast, we only boast about God.  Whatever we do, whether we eat or drink, we do it all for the glory of God.  We do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility, we consider others better than ourselves.  We don't only look to our own interests but to the interests of others as well.  We have the attitude of Christ--we have the heart of a servant.  We are not self-centered but God-centered.  We are not selfish or self-seeking.  We are not malicious, jealous, or covetous--we don't desire anything that God has not given us.  We are not easily angered or easily offended.  We are quick to listen and slow to speak and slow to get angry.  There is no more condemnation for those of us who are in Christ Jesus, who live not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.  We do not demand our own way--we are not controlling.  We are not condemning, judgmental, or critical.  We are empowering and encouraging.  We are loving, merciful, and gracious.  We keep no record of wrongs.  We hate lies, sin, and unrighteousness, but we love truth, holiness, and righteousness.  We hate injustice and feel the same righteous wrath against injustice as God does.  We are just, and we love justice.  We have the hope of Christ.  For we know the plans that God has for us--plans for good and not for evil, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future.  We always have a joyful, confident expectation of good.  We have the faith of Christ.  We believe the best of God, ourselves, and others.  We endure and persevere thru all circumstances because we are confident that God who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it.  We never give up--we never fail.  God always causes us to triumph.  We are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us (Rom. 8:37).  

DECLARATION 13:  We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength (Phil. 4:13).  Nothing is impossible for God.  Apart from God, we can do nothing.  We do not have a spirit of fear but of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind.  We are strong and courageous.  We do not let this Book of the Law depart from our mouth, but we meditate on it day and night, so we may be careful to do everything written in it.  Then we will be prosperous and successful (Jos. 1:8). We have a deep hunger and thirst for righteousness.  We have a deep desire to read the Bible out loud, sing praises to God, and pray the prayers of God.  Shalom!  May it be to us according to God's words.  We rejoice in the Lord, we always rejoice!  This is the day that the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it!  We are not anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, we present our requests to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  We trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding.  In all our ways we acknowledge Him, and He shall direct our path.  We keep our eyes fixed on Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and Earth.  We are godly, content, and grateful.  The praises and prayers of God are always on our lips.  We are thankful in all circumstances because every good and perfect gift comes from God.  We are not vain but modest.  We are not greedy or stingy but generous. 


DECLARATION 14:  We are honest--people of integrity.  It is impossible for us to lie:  Put a guard over our mouth.  We are people of excellence, hard-working, and responsible--we take responsibility for our actions.  We are wise and not foolish.  We are always obedient to God and never rebellious or disobedient.  We are sympathetic, understanding, compassionate, and tender-hearted.  We are discerning.  We know truth from lies and accept the truth and reject the lies.  Our spirits, souls, and bodies are always open to God, His truth, and His Spirits and always closed to lies and evil spirits.  We know the truth, and the truth has set us free (Jn. 8:32).  We can discern whom to trust and whom not to trust.  We can detect the strategies of the enemy and come up with better strategies to defeat him.  We have the discretion of Christ--we are wise as serpents and innocent as doves.  

DECLARATION 15:  We are strong in the Lord and the power of His might.  We are full of vim and vigor--we are full of life.  By Jesus's stripes, we are healed.  We have perfect health.  We are more beautiful now than we have ever been.  We are young forever. We are indestructible, incorruptible, unchanging, and last forever.  We have glorified spirits, souls, and bodies.  We are covered with the blood of Jesus, and the blood of Jesus courses through our veins and burns all things evil, protects us from all harm, and sanctifies us, heal us, and restores us 24/7.  It is finished!  God made us new, beautiful, good, perfect, and blameless.  God is good, and His love endures forever!    


DECLARATION 16:  Our Father who are in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.  Thy Kingdom come.  Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  For thine is the Kingdom, the power, the glory forever and ever.  Amen!  Lord Jesus, thank You for answering the prayers that are according to Your will, making prayers that are not according to Your will ineffective, and adding Your prayers where we are lacking, so Your perfect will will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.  We always pray, "Not our will but Yours be done."  In Jesus's name we pray, Amen!   


9500 Zelzah Ave. C123

Northridge, CA 91325


T: 747-273-4900


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Mary Esther.

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